01. Project Overview

ArcadeGame V1

Project Overview

Project Overview

You will be provided visual assets and a game loop engine; using these tools you must add a number of entities to the game including the player characters and enemies to recreate the classic arcade game Frogger.

Why This Project?

Games have a lot of objects and those objects do a lot of different things; but sometimes they do some very similar things as well. This creates a great opportunity to practice object-oriented programming, an important programming paradigm that influences your application architecture and provides performance optimization.

What Will I Learn?

You will learn JavaScript’s object oriented programming features to write eloquently designed classes capable of creating countless instances of similarly functioning objects. You will discover a variety of ways inheritance and delegation can be used to create well-architected and performant applications.

How Does This Help My Career?

  • JavaScript enables the development of complex applications on the web.
  • JavaScript runs on normal web browsers, which makes it one of the most accessible and flexible programming languages.
  • Complex applications that must be “broken down” into simpler entities that manage their own properties and functionality